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  • Optimization of a prediction model of life satisfaction based on text data augmentation

    Subjects: Psychology >> Applied Psychology Subjects: Computer Science >> Computer Application Technology submitted time 2024-02-29

    Abstract: Objective With the development of network big data and machine learning, more and more studies starting to combine text analysis and machine learning algorithms to predict individual satisfaction. In the studies focused on building life satisfaction prediction models, it is often difficult to obtain large amounts of valid and labeled data. This study aims at solving this problem using data augmentation and optimizing the prediction model of life satisfaction. Method Using 357 life status descriptions annotated by self-rating life satisfaction scale scores as original text data. After preprocessing using DLUT-Emotionontology, EAD and back-translation method was applied and the prediction model was built using traditional machine learning algorithms. Results Results showed that (1) the prediction accuracy was largely enhanced after using the adapted version of DLUT-Emotionontology; (2) only linear regression model was enhanced after data augmentation; (3) rigid regression model showed the greatest prediction accuracy when trained by original data (r = 0.4131). Conclusion The improvement of feature extraction accuracy can optimize the current life satisfaction prediction model, but the text data augmentation methods, such as back translation and EDA may not be applicable for the life satisfaction prediction model based on word frequency.

  • The changes in cooperation among strangers in China: A cross-temporal meta-analysis of social dilemmas (1999~2019)

    Subjects: Psychology >> Social Psychology submitted time 2023-12-07

    Abstract: Cooperation among strangers is a key feature of social capital which facilitates societies to effectively compete with other societies. Notably, cooperation among strangers does not remain permanent or stable within a society but can shift with changes in ecology and culture.
    In the past few decades, China has experienced tremendous social changes, mainly manifested in rapid economic growth, rising urbanization level, more widespread higher education, and rapid development of the internet. Meanwhile, people’s residential mobility and social interaction scope has expanded. Acquaintance society has been shrinking while stranger society has been expanding. Interpersonal trust has declined and individualism has increased. However, little is known about whether cooperation (operationalized as cooperative behavior in social dilemmas) among strangers has shifted along with above societal changes within Chinese society. Thus, based on the history of experimental research on cooperation among young Chinese adults in situations involving conflicting interests (i.e., social dilemmas), this study meta-analyzed 254 studies conducted between 1999 and 2019 with 302 unique samples and effect sizes involving 29,249 participants to test for possible changes over time in cooperation among strangers.
    We conducted meta-regression analyses applying a three-level mixed-effects meta-regression model and performed multiple imputation to handle missing data in our model. For all analyses, year of data collection was entered as the predictor, and the cooperation estimate as the outcome variable. In addition, we also simultaneously added the study characteristic variables (i.e., dilemma type, proportion of male participants, repetitions, group size, K index, communication, sanctions, and period of cooperation) as control variables to the meta-regression models to rule out the possibility that changes in cooperation are explained by study characteristics. Finally, we also calculated the magnitude of change in cooperation and reported the correlations between the sociocultural indicators and cooperation.
    We found cooperation among strangers increased over time in Chinese society: The cooperation rate had increased from 0.33 in 1999 to 0.45 in 2019 after controlling for other variables. In addition, some societal indicators (e.g., societal wealth, urbanization level, higher education level, and internet penetration rate) measured 10 to 5 years prior to measures of cooperation were found to be positively associated with cooperation, suggesting that they may be potential societal underpinnings of increases in cooperation. The cooperative behavior among strangers in China and the United States shows a similar upward trend, but cooperation in Chinese society has a larger increase in a shorter period. These findings have important implications for boosting public confidence in solving present and future challenges.

  • Animacy perception from motion cues: Cognitive and neural mechanisms

    Subjects: Other Disciplines >> Synthetic discipline submitted time 2023-10-09 Cooperative journals: 《心理科学进展》

    Abstract: As a special kind of vocabulary, the formal representation of brand name is divided into visual representation (the visual characteristics of printed letters) and auditory representation (the overall characteristics signature of a word), which can convey meaning to consumers independently of the meaning of the word. For brand names, the font style can provide visual representation through letter case (all uppercase, all lowercase and mixed case), font (structure, font, form and layout) and colour (hue, saturation and brightness); speech can provide auditory representation through phonemes (pronunciation and arrangement characteristics), syllables (spelling and number features), and accent/tone (positional/combinatorial characteristics). Brand name font style and speech appear frequently in various marketing materials, which have critical impacts on consumer psychology and behaviour, and both occur in the perceptual processing stage of vocabulary. Revealing the difference and connection between the two effects can not only provide a holistic research perspective for understanding brand name font style and speech but also provide inspiration for theoretical research and marketing practice.The consequences and mechanisms of the audiovisual representation of brand names have dissimilarities and commonalities. Although they both affect consumers' experiences, perceptions, attitudes and behavioural intentions, different dimensions of experience are influenced, with the former mainly involving aesthetic experience and legibility and the latter emotional experience and brand memory. Embodied cognitive theory and motoric fluency theory help explain this difference. The internal mechanism of brand name font style/speech affecting consumers has certain commonalities, such as perceptions of evaluation, potency and arousal (EPA) dimensions and perceptions of symbolic meaning and country-of-origin associations, but the specific types of neurobiological mechanism, processing fluency mechanism and metaphorical understanding mechanism differ. In addition, the brand name font style effect is moderated by individual characteristics, cultural values, external clues, and brand/product type, while the speech effect is moderated by personal experience, self-regulation, and brand/product type. There are also similarities and differences between the moderating factors of these two effects. In addition to vision and auditory effects, brand names also have interactive effects with other senses.In addition, there is a cross-channel connection between the audiovisual effects of brand name. There is both consensus and controversy in academia over the cross-channel connection of the audiovisual effect of brand names: the consensus is that if font style and speech bring consistent perceptions of brand personality/product attributes, the two will have an additive effect, and the brand attractiveness, popularity, perception of quality and memory level will all increase. However, there is some disagreement about the relative weight of font style and speech in the integration effect: one point of view is that brand name font style and speech have an interactive effect on consumer response, but neither of them plays a dominant role. Another view is that brand name font style plays a more important role than speech when communicating brand meaning to consumers in emerging markets.Future research should consider practical problems associated with the moderation of the psychological effect of brand name font style by other visual elements, the psychological speech effect of Chinese brand names, the weight distribution of brand name font style and speech in nonadditive effects, and the impact of brand name font style and speech variants on consumer psychology.

  • Synchronized or not: Developmental characteristics of basic facial expression recognition in infants

    Subjects: Other Disciplines >> Synthetic discipline submitted time 2023-10-09 Cooperative journals: 《心理科学进展》

    Abstract: Facial expressions are emotional signals conveyed through muscle movements, such as those in the eyes and mouth. Facial emotion recognition plays a crucial role in infant's social and communicative development. The development of basic facial expression recognition in infants is asynchronous: the recognition of positive expressions occurs earlier than that of negative expressions, and the development of emotion perception is earlier than emotion understanding.Infants recognize positive facial expressions earlier than negative ones. They can distinguish happy expressions when they are 2 months old, and negative expressions when they are 4-6 months old. Infant's ability to perceive emotions develops earlier than their ability to understand emotions. The 7-month-old infant has initially possessed the emotion perception ability. They can not only distinguish the basic facial expressions, but also form a classification perception and master the visual observation strategy similar to that of adults. The development of emotional understanding is relatively lagging behind, and 12-month-old infants cannot accurately understand the emotional meaning conveyed by different the negative valence expressions. Infants' basic facial expression recognition undergoes a shift from positive bias to negative bias. In the first half of infancy, infants show an attentional bias to happy expressions, and from 5 months onwards, infants show an attentional bias to fearful expressions. The development of infant's ability to recognize basic facial expression recognition reflects the process from the activation of basic emotions to the formation of emotional schemas. Basic expressions are a preset system that humans evolved to adapt to the environment, and infants are born with the innate ability to express and recognize them. Once basic emotions are activated by the environment, infants acquire corresponding recognition abilites. Emotional schemas are acquired through postnatal development, and are the result of the dynamic interaction process between emotions and cognition. Both individual cognitive development and environmental stimuli play important roles in the formation of emotional schemas. The experience-expectant mechanism in the human brain enables infants to recognize positive expressions earlier than negative expressions, which helps infants to receive more feedback from adults. From the second half of infancy, infants may develop an attentional bias towards negative expression, which can aid in their better understanding of others's feelings. There may also be a sensitive period during the second half of infancy for the development of the ability to recognize negative emotions. Moreover, the experience-dependent mechanism in the brain determines the plasticity of the brain's emotional neural network. The mother-infant relationship, family, social environment, race, and culture all can affect the development of an infant's ability to recognize facial expressions.

  • From imbalanced visual inputs to imbalanced visual attention: Seeking the neural mechanisms for short-term ocular dominance plasticity

    Subjects: Other Disciplines >> Synthetic discipline submitted time 2023-10-09 Cooperative journals: 《心理科学进展》

    Abstract: During the development, the structure and functions of the visual system can be affected by visual experiences and environments. This is called visual plasticity which is most prominent during the critical period of development after birth. Although the structures and functions of neural circuits tend to be stable in adult visual cortex, mounting evidence has shown that adult visual cortex still retains a certain degree of plasticity, including ocular dominance plasticity. Ocular dominance in humans refers to a phenomenon that one eye is functionally superior to the other eye. A common method for measuring perceptual ocular dominance is the binocular rivalry task. The typical stimuli in this task are two spatially overlapped but incompatible images, with one presented to each eye. At any moment, observer is usually aware of only one of the images which remains visible for a while before being consciously replaced by the other one. The ratio of dominance duration for each eye in a binocular rivalry task can be used to quantitatively assess observer's ocular dominance.One of the most commonly used ways to modulate ocular dominance in adults is monocular deprivation, which shifts ocular dominance to the deprived eye through the temporary occlusion of one eye. In recent decades, researchers have extensively investigated the monocular deprivation effect and its underlying mechanism by constantly changing the way of monocular deprivation, such as depriving the energy information (e.g. contrast) or phase information (e.g. contour) of monocular images. A consistent finding is that the imbalance of visual input between two eyes, whether achieved through complete or partial deprivation of visual information to one eye, leads to a shift of ocular dominance towards the deprived eye. The shift of ocular dominance may reflect neural plasticity in the early stages of visual processing, which is closely related to the reduction of GABA inhibition in the primary visual cortex. Meanwhile, one suggested mechanism for monocular deprivation is homeostatic plasticity, an inherent mechanism that stabilizes neuronal activity and prevents the neuronal system from becoming hyperactive or hypoactive. In the context of short-term monocular deprivation, an imbalance in visual input between the two eyes may trigger a homeostatic upregulation of neural response in the deprived eye to maintain a balance of neural activity within the visual system. This can lead to a shift in ocular dominance towards the deprived eye following the monocular deprivation. More recently, it has been found that even in the absence of visual input deprivation, directing a greater amount of attention towards one eye can effectively induce an effect of ocular dominance shift. For example, a “dichoptic-backward-movie” adaptation paradigm was invented to study eye-based attention induced ocular dominance shift. The ocular dominance is biased in favor of the eye (unattended eye) that has viewed a backward movie for long during which time the opposite eye (attended eye) is presented with a regular movie. This phenomenon indicates that the neural mechanisms of short-term ocular dominance plasticity not only occur at the lower level of visual processing stage but also receive feedback regulations from higher cortical sites. Notably, the boost of the unattended eye was not observed when testing stimuli were binocularly compatible. Therefore, the attention-induced ocular dominance shift may not be explicable solely by means of the homeostatic plasticity mechanism, because the involvement of homeostasis is not specific to binocular rivalry. Given the crucial role of interocular competition in attention-induced ocular dominance shift, this effect is currently explained by the adaptation of ocular opponency neurons that represents interocular conflict by computing differences between the input signals from the two eyes. Despite significant advancements in the investigation of short-term ocular dominance plasticity, there are many promising research directions for future studies, especially those that may further our understanding of the complicated mechanisms for short-term ocular dominance plasticity. The article then ends with the outlook in this regard. Key words

  • The cognitive map and its intrinsic mechanisms

    Subjects: Other Disciplines >> Synthetic discipline submitted time 2023-10-09 Cooperative journals: 《心理科学进展》

    Abstract: Spatial navigation is vital for the survival and reproduction of humans and other animals living in complex environments. Effective spatial representations, also known as cognitive maps, are the basis of efficient spatial navigation. Prototypical properties of cognitive maps include selectivity, flexibility, and hierarchy. Several brain regions such as the hippocampus, the scene-selective areas and the prefrontal cortex are involved in the construction of cognitive maps. There are two theoretical disputes in the representational formats of cognitive maps, namely Euclidean map and topological graph, neither of which can fully account for the navigational behavior. Therefore, several hybrid theories have been put forward in order to reconcile this controversy such as the labeled graph hypothesis, the reference frame network theory, etc. Future researchers are suggested to focus on dynamic changes of hierarchical organization during the process of constructing cognitive maps, expansion of spatial dimensions and categories, and limitations in the concept of cognitive maps. Key words

  • How does mindfulness reduce unethical behavior? Insights from the dual-system theory

    Subjects: Other Disciplines >> Synthetic discipline submitted time 2023-10-09 Cooperative journals: 《心理科学进展》

    Abstract: Unethical behavior in the workplace poses significant harm to organizations, thus necessitating the exploration of intervention strategies in the context of management practices. While previous research has focused predominantly on intervention methods for unethical workplace behavior from a rational ethical decision-making standpoint, exploration of such methods from an intuitive ethical decision-making perspective has been limited. This project asserts that mindfulness has the potential to impact both the rational ethical decision-making system and the intuitive ethical decision-making system, consequently mitigating workplace unethical behavior.In relation to the rational ethical decision-making system, this study proposes to identify moral imagination and moral disengagement as two crucial mechanisms linking mindfulness to unethical behavior. Moral imagination has long been recognized as a significant factor in reducing unethical behavior. Mindfulness has the potential to enhance awareness, perspective-taking, and creativity, which are key dimensions of moral imagination. As a result, mindfulness can facilitate the cultivation of moral imagination, thereby contributing to a reduction in unethical behavior. Furthermore, moral disengagement represents a risk factor that can contribute to unethical behavior. Mindfulness, by fostering heightened self-monitoring among individuals, has the capacity to diminish moral disengagement. Therefore, moral disengagement acts as a mediator in the negative relationship between mindfulness and unethical behavior.Regarding the intuitive ethical decision-making system, this study proposes to identify emotional exhaustion and moral emotion as two significant mechanisms that link mindfulness to unethical behavior. Individuals experiencing emotional exhaustion are more susceptible to impulsive engagement in unethical behavior due to depleted self-control resources. Mindfulness has been shown to be advantageous in replenishing these self-control resources, thereby reducing emotional exhaustion. Consequently, emotional exhaustion acts as a mediator in the negative relationship between mindfulness and unethical behavior. Furthermore, moral emotions play a crucial role in encouraging individuals to avoid unethical behavior instinctively. Mindfulness, with its emphasis on cultivating a compassionate attitude, has the potential to foster virtuous qualities and enhance moral emotions. Consequently, moral emotion serves as a mediator in the negative relationship between mindfulness and unethical behavior.By integrating the rational and the intuitive ethical decision-making systems, a dual-system model of the relationship between mindfulness and unethical behavior is developed. Nevertheless, this project also proposes certain boundary conditions that influence this dual-system model. In terms of contextual factors, ethical climate is posited as a significant boundary condition. Ethical climate can help individuals with high levels of mindfulness recognize moral dilemmas, thereby enhancing the impacts of mindfulness on moral disengagement and moral emotion. Regarding individual factors, this project identifies moral identity and moral attentiveness as two important boundary conditions. Moral identity can strengthen the relationship between mindfulness and moral imagination, as individuals with a strong moral identity are more likely to engage in imaginative moral reasoning. On the other hand, moral attentiveness may negatively moderate the relationship between mindfulness and emotional exhaustion. This possibility suggests that among individuals with high levels of moral attentiveness, the relationship between mindfulness and emotional exhaustion may be weaker.This project endeavors to examine the influence of mindfulness on unethical behavior from the perspective of the dual-system theory of ethical decision-making, thereby contributing to the interdisciplinary exploration of mindfulness and behavioral ethics. By proposing a comprehensive theory of the relationship between mindfulness and unethical behavior, this study offers valuable insights for future research in related domains. Additionally, this project identifies several potential boundary conditions that may impact the relationships between mindfulness and its outcomes. While the effectiveness of mindfulness may vary across individuals, research exploring the boundary conditions that moderate the effects of mindfulness remains scarce. Thus, by investigating these possible boundary conditions, this project seeks to enhance our understanding of mindfulness in a comprehensive manner.In terms of practical implications, this project identifies mindfulness as a significant factor that influences both the rational and the intuitive ethical decision-making systems, thereby offering valuable insights for intervening in unethical behavior in the context of management practices. Previous intervention methods targeting unethical behavior in organizations have focused predominantly on the rational ethical decision-making system. However, it is crucial to recognize that many instances of unethical behavior occur impulsively rather than as a result of deliberate planning. Mindfulness, with its capacity to enhance both the rational and the intuitive ethical decision-making systems, emerges as an ideal approach to both impulsive and deliberate workplace unethical behaviors. By cultivating mindfulness among employees, organizations can create an environment that promotes ethical decision-making and mitigates the occurrence of unethical behaviors. This fact suggests that incorporating mindfulness-based interventions into management practices can effectively decrease unethical behaviors in the workplace. Key words

  • Implementation of Naturalistic Developmental Behavioral Interventions: An early intervention program for children with autism spectrum disorder

    Subjects: Other Disciplines >> Synthetic discipline submitted time 2023-10-09 Cooperative journals: 《心理科学进展》

    Abstract: Naturalistic Developmental Behavioral Interventions (NDBI) are a class of early intervention methods for autism spectrum disorder (ASD) that combine the principles of applied behavior analysis and developmental psychology, emphasizing naturalistic teaching. In recent years, NDBI have gained international attention, with a continuously expanding empirical research base. This systematic analysis examines the application and effectiveness of six representative NDBI methods in early intervention for ASD. The findings highlight the outstanding advantages of NDBI in promoting the development of social, language, cognitive, and other domains in children with ASD, reducing family costs, and fostering children's initiative. Additionally, the study discusses the application prospects and existing problems of NDBI in China and proposes future research directions. These include clarifying predictive factors and moderating variables that affect intervention effects, exploring effective parent training methods, investigating the combination of different intervention methods and tools, and promoting the localization research and practice of NDBI within China's cultural context. This comprehensive analysis provides valuable reference and inspiration for early intervention in ASD.The six representative NDBI methods introduced in the study are: Joint Attention, Symbolic Play, Engagement and Regulation (JASPER), Enhanced Milieu Teaching (EMT), Social Communication, Emotional Regulation, and Transactional Support (SCERTS), Pivotal Response Training (PRT), Early Start Denver Model (ESDM), and Parent-Implemented Social Coaching (PIT). These methods share core elements and characteristics of NDBI but have different focuses on target domains and effectiveness.JASPER primarily targets the core deficits of children with autism in the nonverbal communication domain, enhancing their abilities in joint attention, symbolic play, and shared engagement while also promoting language development. EMT focuses on the language domain, effectively improving the language and verbal communication abilities of children with autism while fostering overall social communication development. SCERTS addresses the core deficits of children with autism in social communication and emotional regulation, building a cross-environmental support system that enhances their social interaction, particularly active participation in social engagement. PRT, as a comprehensive intervention method, targets four “pivotal areas” with a particular emphasis on the role of motivation in the overall development of children with autism, demonstrating favorable outcomes in social interaction and language communication domains. ESDM provides a comprehensive and systematic teaching system to promote the overall development and improvement of core symptoms in children with autism, particularly showing significant effects in cognition, language, and social participation. PIT involves parent training in teaching strategies, enabling parents to implement interventions to improve the social communication abilities of their children with autism while also facilitating the creation of a supportive family environment conducive to their development.This study presents a comprehensive overview of six representative Naturalistic Developmental Behavioral Interventions (NDBI) methods, examining their concepts, characteristics, applications, and effectiveness. It summarizes empirical evidence supporting the effectiveness of these NDBI methods in improving various developmental domains of children with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), including social interaction, joint attention, play skills, language communication, cognition, adaptive behavior, and executive function. By integrating findings from multiple studies, the study compares the advantages and disadvantages of different NDBI methods.Furthermore, it discusses the prospects and challenges of implementing NDBI in China from a cultural perspective. The study emphasizes the broad application prospects of NDBI in China while acknowledging the challenges and difficulties hindering its implementation, such as the lack of qualified professionals, training resources, and localized research. To address these issues, the study proposes future research directions, including clarifying predictive factors and moderating variables that influence intervention effects, exploring effective parent training methods, and investigating interventions that combine different approaches or incorporate cutting-edge technologies. Additionally, the study provides insightful pathways for promoting the localization research and practice of NDBI in the cultural context of China.

  • Familiarity promotes resident cooperation with volunteers in waste separation

    Subjects: Other Disciplines >> Synthetic discipline submitted time 2023-10-09 Cooperative journals: 《心理学报》

    Abstract: Despite the growing urgency of waste separation as an environmental concern, the rates of contamination from unsorted waste remain high without the monitoring from volunteers. How can we facilitate collaboration between residents and volunteers? To address the dilemma of waste separation, the present study conducted three experiments and one qualitative interview based on the theories of competitive altruism and social influence to investigate the effects of familiarity and age on residents' cooperation, as well as the mediating roles of reputational concern and social distance. Using scenarios, participants were asked to read the instructions (each representing one of the conditions), and then to predict the extent of probability that they would cooperate in each condition. Experiment 1 adopted a 3 (volunteer age group: primary children/younger/older) × 3 (volunteer familiarity: high/low/unfamiliar) within-subjects design to examine the differences in the cooperation of young people (M = 20.16 ± 1.01 years) with volunteers in different conditions. Experiment 2 adopted a 2 (participant age group: younger/older; between-subjects variable) × 3 (volunteer age group: primary children/younger/older; within-subjects variable) × 3 (volunteer familiarity: high/low/unfamiliar; within-subjects variable) mixed design, to examine the age-related differences of the cooperation between younger people (M = 40.63 ± 7.60 years) and older people (M = 68.90 ± 4.97 years) with volunteers in different conditions. The findings of Experiment 1 were replicated. Experiment 3 adopted a 2 (volunteer age group: younger/older) × 2 (volunteer familiarity: high/unfamiliar) within-subjects design, and it lasted for four weeks at an interval of one week for each participant. Experiment 3 aimed to examine the mediating role of reputational concern and social distance in familiarity and cooperation. Experiment 1 showed that participants cooperated more with the high familiar volunteers than with the low familiar or strange volunteers. The higher the familiarity, the greater the cooperative intention. As age and familiarity interact to affect the cooperative intention, participants cooperated more with older volunteers than with primary children in the low familiar condition. Experiment 2 replicated the results of Experiment 1, and found that familiarity had a significant effect on the cooperative intention of both younger and older adults. Besides, older adults cooperated more with older volunteers while less with strangers than younger adults. Experiment 3 replicated the results of the first two experiments, and examined the underlying mechanism. The mediation analysis showed that social distance and reputational concern play a serial mediating role in the effect of familiarity on cooperation. The results of multiple regression analysis and qualitative interviews showed that the monitoring and feedback of the volunteers, who were familiar with the residents and individual prosociality, played key roles in promoting waste separation. These findings provide suggestions and scientific support for the practice of waste separation and saving management costs. The present study showed that helping residents to become familiar with volunteers in advance, or recruiting people who are familiar with residents as volunteers, will be helpful for waste separation. These strategies can promote the cooperative intention of residents, and help them form the habit of waste separation. Social distance and reputational concern play a serial mediating role in the effect of familiarity on cooperation.

  • The epistemic trust of 3- to 6-year-olds in digital voice assistants in various domains

    Subjects: Other Disciplines >> Synthetic discipline submitted time 2023-10-09 Cooperative journals: 《心理学报》

    Abstract: A new generation of interactive models, called digital voice assistants (DVAs), can respond to young children's speech requests automatically and interact with them by voice. Research on the development of young children's epistemic trust in DVAs is scarce. Previous research has concentrated on the development and influencing factors of young children's epistemic trust in human informants or traditional electronic media (e.g., computers, webpages, internet). The semisocial nature of these devices determines the specific theoretical and practical value of investigating young children's epistemic trust in DVAs. Based on this, the purpose of the current study was to investigate the epistemic trust of young children (aged 3-6) and adults in DVAs in various domains and to confirm the significance of accuracy in their trust.The paradigm of dual-informant sources was employed in both experiments. A sample size of 88 children was required for an effect size of w = 0.30, 1 - β = 0.8, α = 0.05, according to G*Power 3.1. In Experiment 1, 30 adults and 90 children aged 4-6 were given testimony from distinct information sources (DVAs vs. humans) in either the natural or social domain to investigate the children's willingness to ask questions, explicit trust judgments, and final endorsements. Whereas the natural domain involved a task to label novel things, the social domain involved inquiry into social customs. The accuracy of the informants was manipulated in Experiment 2, which was based on Experiment 1, and 90 children aged 3-5 and 30 adults were exposed to various informants.The research participants were asked questions about their willingness to ask, explicit trust judgments, and final endorsements. The results of Experiment 1 showed that the children preferred to ask the DVAs questions about the natural domain rather than the social domain, with the DVAs being preferred overall. Moreover, the 6-year-old children preferred the DVAs as the information source more than the 4- to 5-year-old children. The adults were more likely to trust the DVAs than the young children. The results of Experiment 2 revealed that the children of all ages and adults were more likely to accept correct informant testimony in both the natural and social domains. In other words, the children were more likely to use the current accuracy of informants as a cue to assess and decide which informant to trust, and when the DVAs lost their accuracy, the children's preference disappeared along with their intellectual trust. The preference for accurate informants was more obvious in the adults and 4- to 5-year-olds than in the 3-year-olds, with the 3-year-olds being less sensitive to accuracy. Accuracy was an essential indicator of the DVAs' dependability.Our study is the first to investigate the development of epistemic trust in DVAs among children aged 3-6 in China. The results show that children can use DVAs as a source of information and knowledge. Young children become more likely to believe the testimonies of DVAs as they grow older. Children are more likely to trust DVAs in the natural domain than in the social domain. Furthermore, young children are more likely to accept the testimony of reliable informants. The results of this study may contribute to our understanding of the usability and utility of human interaction with technological systems and offer suggestions for the use of DVAs in homes and classrooms to support early learning.

  • “Neijuan” in China: The psychological concept and its characteristic dimensions

    Subjects: Psychology >> Social Psychology submitted time 2023-09-01

    Abstract: With the deepening and spread of reform and opening-up, China has undergone rapid and unprecedented economic growth and societal transformations over the past few decades. Accumulating evidence has revealed the impacts of sociocultural changes on Chinese mental health. Since 2020, a popular buzzword, “Neijuan” (involution), has garnered significant attention and discussion in daily life. Neijuan could be traced back to agricultural involution, which refers to a process of inward over-elaboration in agricultural development. This concept was first identified by the anthropologist Geertz (1963), who observed that population growth failed to enhance productivity growth and economic development.
    Despite Neijuan's growing attention, it is still unclear about the connotation and characteristic dimensions of this social phenomenon. Cultural psychology provides a solid theoretical and empirical basis for exploring how social and cultural changes affect individuals’ psychological states and behaviors. In this context, we propose that Neijuan is a multidimensional psychological concept of great significance in this new era, closely connected to cultural changes in China’s rapid development and growth.
    To explore the psychological concept of Neijuan, Study 1 employed a grounded theory approach through in-depth interviews to clarify the intricate psychological components of Neijuan. Based on the results of Study 1, Studies 2 and 3 developed a measurement tool to validate the multiple characteristic dimensions of Neijuan in Chinese culture, utilizing exploratory factor analysis (EFA) and confirmatory factor analysis (CFA). The findings suggested that Neijuan comprises four dimensions: resource scarcity, social norm, psychological pressure, and competition. Subsequently, Study 4 used Neijuan scenario-based task in the university and workplace environments to assess participants’ behavioral tendencies related to Neijuan and examined the relationship between individuals’ perceptions of Neijuan and their actual behaviors. Results revealed that individuals with higher levels of perceived Nejuan exhibited a greater tendency to engage in behaviors associated with Neijuan.
    In summary, the series of studies sought to explore the psychological concept and multiple characteristic dimensions of Neijuan, which provides a theoretical and empirical basis for understanding this significant phenomenon in the contemporary era. The current research also offers an effective measurement tool to assess individuals’ perception of Neijuan and enlightens future research on the effect of Neijuan on psychological maladjustment and non-benign competition behaviors related to Neijuan.

  • Sleep Quality and Life Satisfaction

    Subjects: Psychology >> Applied Psychology submitted time 2023-07-09

    Abstract: [Objective] To explore the differences of sleep quality and life satisfaction in different regions by means of microblog data, and to analyze the relationship between sleep quality and life satisfaction.
    [Method] Weibo users were divided into four regions according to their posts, and the differences of sleep quality and life satisfaction were compared. [Results] (1) The sleep quality of Weibo users was marginal significant among the four regions, F (3, 489) = 2.363, p = 0.071. The sleep quality score of Weibo users in central region was significantly higher than that of Weibo users in western region (p < 0.05), but there was no significant difference in sleep quality between other regions (ps > 0.05). (2) There was no significant difference in the life satisfaction of Weibo users among the four regions, F (3, 489) = 1.490, p > 0.05. (3) Sleep quality was negatively correlated with life satisfaction (r = −0.08, p < 0.05); (4) Sleep quality did not significantly predict life satisfaction (B = −1.27, p = 0.078). [Conclusion] Sleep quality varies among users in different regions, and lower sleep quality will affect life satisfaction.

  • 可操作物体识别过程中的两种操作动作表征

    Subjects: Psychology >> Developmental Psychology submitted time 2023-03-28 Cooperative journals: 《心理科学进展》

    Abstract: A number of researches suggest that dorso-dorsal stream represents grasping action and ventro- dorsal stream represents using action. They form structure-based action representation and function-based action representation respectively, which play a role in manipulable object representation and recognition. Difference exists between the two kinds of action representation in neural substrates, activation condition, time course, and their relationships with long-term memory. Researches on the two kinds of action representation not only demonstrate the importance of action information for manipulable object recognition, but also provide implication for further researches on how manipulable objects are represented in human brain.

  • 风险决策中的领域特异性

    Subjects: Psychology >> Developmental Psychology submitted time 2023-03-28 Cooperative journals: 《心理科学进展》

    Abstract: The term “risk-domain specificity” refers to the domain-specific nature of risky decision making due to the presence of factors that are particular to a certain content domain. Based on classical risky decision making theories stemming from laws of expectation, risk-taking propensity is domain-general. On the other hand, substantial evidences from past studies indicate that risk-taking propensity is domain-specific. The literature on risk-domain specificity has witnessed considerable progress in terms of mechanisms, measurements, and independent variables. Theoretically, early mainstream mechanisms deconstructed risk behavior based on a risk-return framework, whereas recent studies have validated the mechanisms with new sets of evidence and explained risk-domain specificity from the perspectives of evolution, personality and motivation. In terms of measurements, Domain-specific Risk Taking Scale (DOSPERT), as a dominant scale, has been further validated in various cultures, content domains, and groups. In comparison, other scales based on different content domains have been proven to be consistent and valid. In terms of independent variables, the regularity of risk-domain specificity has been proposed from various perspectives, such as genetics, environment and individual differences. Future research may focus on content domain integration and theory validation in detailed content domains as well as exploring regularity and mechanisms of risk-domain specificity at an individual level.

  • 早期应激对情绪调节的影响及其神经机制

    Subjects: Psychology >> Developmental Psychology submitted time 2023-03-28 Cooperative journals: 《心理科学进展》

    Abstract: Individuals experiencing early life stress (ELS) are at a higher risk of mental/behavioral disorders such as depression and violence, the difficulties of emotion regulation might be one of the underlying mechanisms. ELS individuals use maladaptive strategies (such as avoidance and rumination) more frequently than normal individuals. And most of the studies found that ELS impaired the ability of emotion regulation. However, moderate ELS may enhance the ability of emotion regulation. Besides, emotion regulation moderated the relationship between ELS and mental/behavior disorders. Furthermore, we explored the neural mechanisms of how ELS influences emotion regulation. Finally, we made a summary and pointed out future directions.

  • 多元文化经历促进创造力

    Subjects: Psychology >> Developmental Psychology submitted time 2023-03-28 Cooperative journals: 《心理科学进展》

    Abstract: Many empirical evidences provide sufficient support on the assumption that multicultural experience fosters creativity. The effect could be observed only in the individuals who engaged in two inconsistent cultures deeply. Moreover, the cognitive skills which include alternation, integration and inclusion developed by dual-identity individuals, foster their creativity. Future researches could be directed to strengthen its external validity in diverse samples, explore the mediating role of other variables such as stress appraisal, approach motivation, positive emotions, and expand domestic research on this topic.

  • 经颅电刺激与视功能调控

    Subjects: Psychology >> Developmental Psychology submitted time 2023-03-28 Cooperative journals: 《心理科学进展》

    Abstract: Transcranial Electrical Stimulation (TES) is a non-invasive method of brain stimulation, which delivers a specific low intensity current on the scalp to modulate the activity of cortical cortex. TES is usually divided into three main types: transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS), transcranial alternating current stimulation (tACS), and transcranial random noise stimulation (tRNS). In the current paper, we summarized the modulating effects of TES on visual phosphene threshold, visual field, contrast sensitivity, motion perception, and perceptual learning. The modulation effect varies with the type of visual functions, TES parameters, and stimulating patterns.

  • 汉语言语产生的语音加工单元——基于音位的研究

    Subjects: Psychology >> Developmental Psychology submitted time 2023-03-28 Cooperative journals: 《心理科学进展》

    Abstract: Speech production studies have demonstrated cross-linguistic differences in the processing units involved in phonological encoding. It has been widely assumed a critical role of phonemes in spoken production of Indo-European languages. Phonemes are normally conceived of as abstractions of discrete segmental speech sounds which can distinguish the meaning between words. For instance, the word "big" represents a sequence of three phonemes /b/, /i/, /g/. Currently, investigations on the processing units in Chinese spoken production mainly focused on syllables, whereas only few studies concern the role of phonemes. In the present project, we propose to comprehensively tackle the role of phoneme in Chinese speech production, focusing on its psychological reality, potential factors influencing phoneme-based effects, processing mechanism and temporal properties, using both behavioral and electrophysiological techniques. Specifically, we will investigate: 1) whether phonemic processing has "psychological reality" in Chinese speech production, and whether sensitivity to phonemic representations is artificially induced by exposure to English as a second language, experience of Pinyin, or phoneme-based typing input method? 2) how we process phonemes? Specifically, we are interested in whether phoneme-based effects are phoneme-specific and position-specific, how phonemes associate together to form larger units, and the temporal properties of phonemic processing. The findings of the present project will not only improve our understanding of how Chinese speakers produce words in mind/brain, but also provide insights into the construction and development of theoretical and computational models of Chinese speech production. In addition, the findings will provide basis for cross-language comparisons, and the development of scientific teaching approaches of Chinese phonology.

  • 主动控制感的测量及认知神经机制

    Subjects: Psychology >> Developmental Psychology submitted time 2023-03-28 Cooperative journals: 《心理科学进展》

    Abstract: “Sense of agency” refers to the sense of controlling one’s actions and the course of events in the outside world. It is based on the match between the expected action and the real sensory feedback. The first part of this article introduces a method for implicit measurement of sense of agency. The second part deals with the factors that influence the sense of agency from the aspects of intentionality and sensory feedback. Part three provides the conclusion. With an emphasis on the functions of the prefrontal and parietal lobes, this article provides evidence to explain the mechanism of sense of agency through the theoretical model and cognitive neuroscience.

  • 环境和生态意识催生的社会许可问题:缘起与应对

    Subjects: Psychology >> Developmental Psychology submitted time 2023-03-28 Cooperative journals: 《心理科学进展》

    Abstract: Public awareness of environmental issues and engagement in environmental protection has been greatly improved with the rapid economic development. As a result, the deployment of projects with potential impacts on environment and human societies faces substantial challenge from the public. To ensure the success of such projects, receiving only government approval and meeting legal and regulation requirements is no longer enough. Public acceptance becomes essential, that is to acquire a social licence to operate (SLO). Projects without the SLO can be faced with great risks and financial loss. Although having gained widespread attention in mining, chemical industries and other related fields, the concept of SLO has gained attention from psychologists quite recently. The present article reviews the origin and measurement of the concept of SLO, as well as the approaches to obtain and maintain a SLO. We further highlight the fundamental drivers of SLO and the implications for policy makers. Future directions are discussed to address the challenges regarding the measurement and acquisition of SLO.